peter huebner • micro music laboratories
M E D I C A L   R E S O N A N C E   T H E R A P Y   M U S I C®
R E D U C T I O N   O F   P S Y C H O – P H Y S I O L O G I C A L   M A N I F E S T A T I O N S   O F   S T R E S S


Introduction to the University of the Future

Peter Hübner
Developer of the University of the Future




Research Fields in Detail


Reducing Anxiety

Release of Reactive Anxiety

Restless and Melancholy Emotional States

General Mental State

Calming of the Fetus

Reaction Precision

Psychomotoric Speed


Reducing Irritability

Reducing Cortisol

Regular and deep Relaxation

Normalisation of Mental Functions

Manifestations of Stress

Psychosomatic Status

Improved Mental State

Improved Mental State

Improved Mental State

Functional Brain Asymmetry

Functional Brain Asymmetry

Reducing Sleep Disorders

Manifestations of Stress

Anti-Oxidising Processes

Reducing Cortisol

Reducing Cortisol

Increased Strength

Haemodynamic Parameter

Menstruation Cycle

Improved Immune Status

Improving the Immune Status of Pregnant Women

Improving the Hormone Status of Pregnant Women

Abstinence from Tranquilizers


Reducing Anxiety during Labor in Women with an
Initial Inactivity of Uterine Contractility

Already normal labor is accompanied by physi­cal and emotional stress as well as great anxie­ties.
This is even more so the case when com­pli­ca­tions arise as in the investigated women here who showed an initial inactivity of the uterus. Seen from the angle of the hormone state the organism is in a state of emergency: to coun­ter­act the experience of great pain and se­vere stress for the mother, the organism pro­duces 8-10 times more opioids as normal, which – next to other effects – function as anxi­ety inhibitors.
To find out in how far Medical Resonance Therapy Music® has a harmonizing effect on anxiety regulating neuroendocrine functions important opioids were chosen for in­ves­ti­ga­tion: beta-endorphin, corticotropin (ACTH) and cortisol – hormones which show ex­tremely high levels in blood during labor.

Under investigation were three groups:
  1. one group (11 women) was treated with relaxing Medical Resonance Therapy Music®,
  2. a control group A (11 women) listened to music of Mozart – Symphony No. 28 and Coro­na­tion Mass – and
  3. a control group B (11 women) did not listen to any music.

Medical Resonance Therapy Music® Group

The treatment with the Medical Resonance Therapy Music® resulted in a significant change of the hormonal situation:
the beta-endorphin value dropped by 6.05 units and also ACTH showed a tendency to decrease – the hyperproductive hormone system was calmed and a more balanced state established.

Especially noteworthy is the following situa­tion: although the level of anxiety inhibiting hormones decreased the women did not ex­peri­ence a raise in anxiety but on the contrary reported of a clear decrease of anxiety.
This implies that the reduction of anxiety un­der the treatment with Medical Resonance Therapy Music® is based on a strong har­mo­niz­ing effect on the emotional state during la­bor.
Control Group A with Mozart’s Music

The women in this group also reported of a strong reduction of anxiety through listening to the music. And here too a significant change was found in the hormonal situation, but in the opposite direction: the ACTH level increased – the already hyperactive hormone system got even more exaggerated and pro­duced even more of the anxiety inhibiting hor­mone. The increase of the ACTH level could explain the reduced experience of anxiety in this group.

Control Group B

Here no significant changes were observed, only small variations.

Comments to Cortisol

A significant change of cortisol was neither found in the “Mozart group” nor in the Medical Reso­nance Therapy Music® group.
To get a reliable picture of the changes in cortisol level probably a longer than 30 minute treat­ment interval is necessary, since its duration is comparable with half the life span of the hormone in circulation.



Prof. Dr. med. A. Reznikov
Prof. Dr. med. S. Leush
Dr. med. V. Reznikov