
Introduction to the University of the Future

Peter Hübner’s Cosmic Educational Program

Peter Hübner
Developer of the University of the Future

Peter Hübner
Open letter to the President of the Justus-Liebig-State-University Giessen, Germany




Nature’s Laws of
Harmony in the
Microcosm of Music

Part 1   •   Part 2


Music as a Harmonic
Medical Data Carrier

The Special Status of the
Ear in the Organism

The Ear as a
Medical Instrument

The Significance of the
Soul to Medicine

The Significance of
our Consciousness
to Medicine

The Significance of the
Soul to Human Evolution

The Future of Pharmaceutics


The American Institute
of Stress

World Health
Organization (WHO)

Republic of Belarus

Stress + Heart Disease

The Unborn Child

Special Care Baby Unit

Harmonic Therapy

The Benefits of
Harmonic Information

Social Medical Significance

Headaches & Migraine

Harmonic Information
as a Modern Medication

Intensive Care Unit

MRT Music / Function



Medical Research –
Clinical Observations


Medical Music Preparations on CD


Peter Hübner – The Significance of our Consciousness to Medicine

Medizin Aktuell: The soul’s exertion of power is obviously good for our body.

Peter Hübner: In my opinion, the question arising from the limited consciousness of the first three states of consciousness would be unnecessary under these conditions, why the Creator and/or omnipotent nature puts us on this earth, and I would say, it is our choice whether we choose prison for our soul in the context of the first three main states of consciousness, or the liberation of the soul and health for our body with the development of further main states of consciousness.

I think we should not ask about the sense of our earthly existence and judge it, until we have learned about and exhausted all possibilities – but my impression is that regarding the achievement of higher states of consciousness, this question turns out to be the shameful document of those, who content themselves with the first three main states of consciousness and have voluntarily decided to accept mental blindness and/or in the field of science to decide in favour of ignorance.

An old proverb says:

“If a person does not want to see,
neither light nor spectacles will help him.”

Medizin Aktuell: Do we enter the fourth main state of consciousness after death?

Peter Hübner: Surely we cannot enter something after death that we have not developed beforehand.
For this reason, it seems absolutely impractical to me to speculate about any “after death” – especially if there is already the possibility of gaining “death” as a friend while we are alive, so that he may open the doors to immortality.

Medizin Aktuell: In Hawaii, you spoke about a “community of souls”, which decides together to destroy whole societies e.g. through war, so that these captured souls may be free.

You are therefore saying this community of souls has the power to substantially control events on earth.

Peter Hübner: From the soul’s perspective, events on earth are as important or unimportant as the events on a grain of sand in the Sahara Desert or even events in the entire cosmos.
The soul has its residence and its sphere of influence far above the events of the earth, our so-called civilised world included, and also far above the events of the entire physical cosmos

Nevertheless – sometimes the soul makes its displeasure known towards the earthly and material events, and withdraws its harmony of life, its vitality and intelligence of life from the body – then the person concerned becomes ill.
This disease signals that the body has already activated its program of self-destruction, provided by nature, after withdrawal of these three main vital powers.

This self-destruction is the normal function of the body, when the inner vital powers withdraw their co-ordination function. This is a very natural process, and so death also occurs very naturally through disease.

If somebody does not like that, he must successfully oppose this process of self-destruction by purposefully activating the powers of the soul.
It is surely understood that this is not the limited way of today’s materialistic form of medicine. But it may be the technology of tomorrow’s modern medicine.

Medical Music Preparations on CD