
Introduction to the University of the Future

Peter Hübner’s Cosmic Educational Program

Peter Hübner
Developer of the University of the Future

Peter Hübner
Open letter to the President of the Justus-Liebig-State-University Giessen, Germany




The American Institute
of Stress

World Health
Organization (WHO)

Republic of Belarus

Stress + Heart Disease

The Unborn Child

Special Care Baby Unit

Harmonic Therapy

The Benefits of
Harmonic Information

Social Medical Significance

Headaches & Migraine

Harmonic Information
as a Modern Medication

Intensive Care Unit

MRT Music / Function



Nature’s Laws of
Harmony in the
Microcosm of Music

Part 1   •   Part 2


Music as a Harmonic
Medical Data Carrier

The Special Status of the
Ear in the Organism

The Ear as a
Medical Instrument

The Significance of the
Soul to Medicine

The Significance of
our Consciousness
to Medicine

The Significance of the
Soul to Human Evolution

The Future of Pharmaceutics


Medical Research –
Clinical Observations


Medical Music Preparations on CD


  The effects of Medical Resonance Therapy Music® on the unborn child                         Page 1 2 3

Ques­tions from con­gress par­tici­pants and an­swers from
Prof. Dr. med. Walentina Sidorenko fol­low­ing her pres­en­ta­tion
Ques­tion: Medi­cal Reso­nance Ther­apy Mu­sic® is not known in Aus­tra­lia – at least I have never heard of it – there­fore I would be in­ter­ested to know: are there pa­tients who do not like this medi­cal mu­sic, and how do I then go about treat­ing with this mu­sic?

Prof. Dr. med. W. Sidorenko: In our ex­peri­ence the per­cent­age of the women who are averse to the mu­sic is very small, as peo­ple find Medi­cal Reso­nance Ther­apy Mu­sic® both har­monic and har­mo­niz­ing. How­ever, if a woman does not like the mu­sic at all, and so did not want to be treated with it, then we did, of course, re­frain from do­ing so.

Ques­tion: Us­ing the mu­sic to treat the foe­tus – as your pres­en­ta­tion shows – is ex­tremely in­ter­est­ing. But how does one make a se­lec­tion from the mass of dif­fer­ent types of mu­sic and com­po­si­tions? How did you come to choose Medi­cal Reso­nance Ther­apy Mu­sic® for your stud­ies, or did you also carry out stud­ies us­ing other mu­sic?

Prof. Dr. med. W. Sidorenko: Sev­eral years ago, Prof. Reznikov from the Acad­emy of Sci­ences in the Ukraine car­ried out stud­ies with mu­sic from Mozart and with Medi­cal Reso­nance Ther­apy Mu­sic®, in which Medi­cal Reso­nance Ther­apy Mu­sic® proved medi­cally far su­pe­rior. This is one rea­son why we chose this mu­sic.

An­other rea­son is: Medi­cal Reso­nance Ther­apy Mu­sic® is the only mu­sic known to us which fol­lows the natu­ral sci­en­tific con­cept of the great Greek phy­si­cian, mu­si­colo­gist, mathe­ma­ti­cian and phi­loso­pher Pythagoras.

For over 30 years, the de­vel­oper of Medi­cal Reso­nance Ther­apy Mu­sic®, the clas­si­cal com­poser and mu­si­colo­gist Peter Hübner, has been re­search­ing into the mi­cro­cosm of mu­sic, the har­monic or­ders of which, ac­cord­ing both to Pythagoras and to the find­ings of mod­ern chro­no­medi­cine, also gov­ern the hu­man or­gan­ism. Medi­cal Reso­nance Ther­apy Mu­sic® re­flects this natu­ral har­monic or­der and so fol­lows the mu­si­cal-medi­cal con­cept of Pythagoras, thus in it we pos­sess a sci­en­tifi­cally ac­cu­rate link to the mu­sic-medi­cine of an­tiq­uity.

A third rea­son for us is the pos­si­bil­ity of sci­en­tific com­mu­ni­ca­tion with the com­poser and his Mi­cro Mu­sic La­bo­ra­to­ries, and this com­mu­ni­ca­tion has proven very im­por­tant in our re­search. As a mu­si­colo­gist, Mr. Huebner is able to as­simi­late our sci­en­tific re­sults and our medi­cal stim­uli into his con­tinu­ing musi­co­logi­cal de­vel­op­ments. This is an in­valu­able op­por­tu­nity for us.

Ques­tion: You said that you were able to de­ter­mine that the child in the womb be­comes ac­tive and moves within the first 4-5 min­utes of the mu­si­cal treat­ment, but then be­comes quiet and calms down. My ques­tion is: might it not be the case that any vibro-acous­tic stimu­la­tion will first make the child ac­tive, and then af­ter 4-5 min­utes the child will be­come used to it and will calm down?

Prof. Dr. med. W. Sidorenko: We did not ap­ply any vibro-acous­tic stimu­la­tion, e.g. onto the mother’s sur­face of the stom­ach, as was and is car­ried out in other ex­peri­ments in other coun­tries. We treat the preg­nant mother and, via her, the child.
Treat­ment with Medi­cal Reso­nance Ther­apy Mu­sic® is like this: at cer­tain times the mother lis­tens with head­phones to cer­tain mu­si­cal prepa­ra­tions for a cer­tain length of time.
The ef­fects on the child come from the mother hav­ing lis­tened to the mu­sic. As such, a change in the con­di­tion of the child can only come about through a change in the physio­logi­cal in­ter­ac­tion be­tween mother and child.

Ques­tion: Have you gath­ered any ex­peri­ences as to whether treat­ment with this mu­sic in­flu­ences the ex­pec­tant mother’s at­ti­tude to­wards her preg­nancy?

Prof. Dr. med. W. Sidorenko: Yes, defi­nitely – the emo­tional bond be­tween the ex­pec­tant mother and her child be­comes deeper and more posi­tive. This has, e.g. a posi­tive ef­fect on the ques­tion faced by many ex­pec­tant women, whether they wish to keep the child or ter­mi­nate the preg­nancy. Many ex­pec­tant women who had al­ready de­cided on abor­tion and whom we then treated with the mu­sic in prepa­ra­tion for the ter­mi­na­tion pro­ce­dure, de­cided dif­fer­ently af­ter sev­eral mu­si­cal treat­ment ses­sions, and ad­vised us that they now wished to keep their child. This is, for us, one of the most pleas­ant posi­tive ‘side-ef­fects’ of Medi­cal Reso­nance Ther­apy Mu­sic®.

Ques­tion: Do you al­ways use the mu­sic when there are signs of the preg­nancy be­ing at risk? If so, what then hap­pens in prac­tice?

Prof. Dr. med. W. Sidorenko: If we iden­tify risks to the preg­nancy, we also use Medi­cal Reso­nance Ther­apy Mu­sic® treat­ment as a matter of rou­tine. In many cases this en­ables us to avoid us­ing any me­di­ca­tion at all or to re­duce the amount of me­di­ca­tion nec­es­sary.

In this way we pro­tect the foe­tus from any un­de­sir­able me­dici­nal ef­fects on its de­vel­op­ment – and as a posi­tive side ef­fect, if you like – we also save a great deal of money.

As far as your ques­tion about what hap­pens in prac­tice is con­cerned, we have two pos­si­bili­ties: if the ex­pec­tant mother has got a CD-player and head­phones, then she will re­ceive the mu­si­cal prepa­ra­tions on CD and she will lis­ten to them regu­larly at home. If she has not got such a device, then we have her come into the hos­pi­tal regu­larly to lis­ten to the mu­sic in a room spe­cifi­cally equip­ped for the pur­pose.

RRR 934 Pregnancy & Birth

If you like to look at the
complete program,
or if you like to listen to the
Medical Music Preparation or
if you want to download it,
please klick on the CD-Cover above.

As well as this, word about suc­cess­ful treat­ment with Medi­cal Reso­nance Ther­apy Mu­sic has since got around to many of our coun­try’s gynecologists. This means that many expectant moth­ers are lis­ten­ing to it, with­out ever hav­ing come into con­tact with our clinic.

Ques­tion: Should I wish to use this mu­sic in my clinic, how dif­fi­cult is it to do and how do I find out how to use it cor­rectly?

Prof. Dr. med. W. Sidorenko: Treat­ment with Medi­cal Reso­nance Ther­apy Mu­sic® is not dif­fi­cult, but there are cer­tain things one should know. The sci­en­tific in­for­ma­tion ser­vice of the pub­lish­ing house AAR Edi­tion runs in­for­ma­tion events, where you can ob­tain all the in­for­ma­tion nec­es­sary to enable you to use the method cor­rectly.


Medical Music Preparations on CD
RRR 102 Harmony


If you like to look at the complete program,
if you like to listen to the Medical Music Preparation or
if you want to download it,
please click on the CD-cover above.

If you click on the title, it will lead you to the
scientific research.


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